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I failed...miserably, more times than I would care to fail at anything!  This time I kept trying until I got it just right and I haven't looked back since.


So that brings us to the here and now. Vet nurse by day, jam creator by night! Almost every minute outside of my day job is spent on something preserve-related!


Whether I'm planting fruit trees & weeding veggie patches or matching flavours & trialling new creations - I love every part of it and I would quite happily spend the rest of my days doing exactly this.


I think my love of what I do shows in the finished product - I often joke that the 'secret ingredient' in my cooking is love but it's actually quite true to say that!

I love food, I love to create...and cooking... brings me joy. The type of joy that is, so far, unmatched by almost any other joy I experience in my day to day life.


For me, there is something incredibly satisfying about taking a handful of ingredients and creating something  scrumptious from them. There's something calming, almost therapeutic, about standing over a pot, stirring a jam or relish to life!


My first experience with Jam making many years ago was not so satisfying...I gave up on jam making for life! How thankful I am that a few years later I decided to try my luck again.


Armed with my grandmothers fig jam recipe and a seemingly endless supply of figs grown on my husbands family farm  - I got to work.

It also happens that I'm a bit of a perfectionist -  so I can say with absolute honesty that if I wouldn't eat it myself - I wouldn't dream of selling it to you!


It is my hope that my products bring you a little piece of the happiness that making them for you brings me.


I hope, in our collection, you find something that is able to put a smile on your face, take you back to your childhood or remind you of someone, something or somewhere special.


Most of all, I just hope you enjoy

T H E    S T O R Y

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